We Made a Movie!

We successfully finished our film. It’s done. It’s great.
You *literally* helped make it happen.
Thank you!

The Latest

Saturday, June 29th



We have a title for our film! At long last, we have settled upon a title that we are very excited to share with you. At our current stage, we are readying our a festival run.

Help Us Today!

The Seed & Spark Campaign was a great success. We raised $5,000. We got the word out about Fortified and got people excited. And our confidence got a serious boost. We're hoping that IFA Chicago's fiscal sponsorship will bring us across the finish line of our goal of $20,000 and make this a dream a reality. Every little bit helps, every little bit goes directly into the production to bring this story to life. 

Our immediate needs:

Post-production costs
Music licensing




Big thanks to the IFA Chicago, for helping us bring this story to life.

Meet Fortified Films

The four of us love movies. That's hardly unique. What is unique is the friendship forged by this shared love of movies. We each bring a different perspective to the art of filmmaking. This foundation creates a dynamic creative process to make great movies – for us and for you.

The Plot

After canceling plans with friends, Hector & Penny begin a game of role-play that threatens to undo their relationship. Fortified celebrates open communication, no matter how weird it gets.

Our Short!

We filmed a shorter film of our script — internally called “Shortified” but officially called “Mutually Assured Diversion” — and you can watch it here!

Thank you so much for joining us on this exciting journey.
We can’t wait to make this magic happen!

